We require you to register with a credit card. Please coordinate with your company to provide a credit card to register for a meeting, or contact our treasurer to arrange payment prior to the meeting.  Unregistered/Unpaid users will not be given the meeting password or details: treasurer@gvcshrm.org

Login and New User Registration
You must be logged in to see member prices and register for events. SHRM Members may use the email address associated with their SHRM National login to get into the site. To request special status (Such as Student or In Transition) please visit our special request page.
Your username is your email address that you use to login to SHRM.ORG Click "forgot password" to reset your password.
GVCSHRM Calendar of Events
Note! Be sure to fill in the STATE correctly in your address. The state may default to ALABAMA. If your state says "Alabama" please update it.

Also all address info should match the BILLING ADDRESS of your credit card. Your address reflects the address you gave SHRM. If this does not match your billing address update the information on the billing screen BEFORE CHECKING OUT! As with all payment gateways authorizing your payment may take some time - DO NOT PRESS SUBMIT TWICE!

Compeer Rochester 259 Monroe Ave. Rochester, NY 14607 259 Monroe Ave
United States

International Talent: Managing Business Immigration Opportunities

Event Start Date: 4/17/2024 8:00 AM

Event End Date: 4/17/2024 10:30 AM

Sign Up To This Event
There are currently 42 spaces left.
Cost per place: $45.00

International Talent: Managing Business Immigration Opportunities

David Wilks - Hodgson Russ LLP

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



IN-PERSON Location:

Compeer Rochester

259 Monroe Ave

Rochester, NY 14607


This program has been pre-approved for 2.0 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) by the Society of Human Resource Management and 2.0 HR General credits by the HR Certification Institute.


Hiring foreign-born workers broadens your talent pool and can potentially increase access to new markets. However, under the current U.S. immigration system, early planning for such hires is critical.  In this program, we will discuss what you should consider before getting started, as well as how you might be able to improve an existing immigration program. Specifically, we will discuss:

  • setting immigration sponsorship policies,
  • determining which visa category to pursue,
  • long-term immigration planning,
  • strategies to maximize outcomes.
  • updates to immigration law affecting U.S. employers.

By the end of this session the attendee will:

  • Have a general understanding of how U.S. immigration interacts with the U.S. labor market.
  • Learn strategies for maximizing immigration outcomes.

About the Speaker:

David Wilks

David Wilks co-leads the Immigration Practice Group at Hodgson Russ LLP in Rochester, New York. He represents a wide variety of business immigration clients. Mr. Wilks currently serves as an Elected Director on the national Board of Governors of the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s (AILA), the premier immigration bar association in the United States. His articles have appeared in Bender’s Immigration Bulletin, ILW.com, National Law Review, and in various AILA publications, including: Immigration Options for Investors and Entrepreneurs, 4th Ed. Mr. Wilks is also the 2019 recipient AILA’s national Joseph Minsky Young Lawyer Award, and the AILA Upstate New York Chapter’s 2018 Mark T. Kenmore Mentor of the Year Award. Mr. Wilks is a Graduate of Cornell Law School.



Q: Can I use my Amex card?
A: Sadly no. Our payment processor does not accept American Express. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, pay at the door or invoice are your only options.

Q: I can't login
A: Your login is your email address that you used to register and login at www.shrm.org , and your password is as assigned by us. If this is your first time logging in, use the password reset to send your email a password reset request. If you change your email on the SHRM.ORG site, only your NEW email will give you member rates. Registering with your old email after you've changed the basic email address will show you your existing or old registrations, but new registrations need to be done with the new email address. If you are not a SHRM member then you registered separately on the site. This registration password can be retrieved by either entering your username or email in the "retrieve password" section on the login screen. If you are still having trouble logging in - check with us at events@gvcshrm.org.

Q: No Member Rates showing
A: You only see member rates if you are logged in and the system believes you are a SHRM member. If you see a login prompt under the calendar you are not logged in. Use your SHRM associated email address as the login and your assigned password. If you are SHRM member you must be affiliated with the chapter and your SHRM membership must be up to date to get the member rates. We don't have a separate membership - you must be a SHRM national member to join the chapter.

Q: The system isn't accepting my credit card or says my card hasn't been billed and I haven't been booked
A: You are trying to use Amex - we only accept Discoer, Visa and MasterCard


Your billing info that you filled in before you hit CONFIRM BOOKING doesn't match the billing info on your credit card


You have made a mistake in the card ID, expiration date or validation code - check all these carefully


You are missing critical information. If you press submit and nothing happens check the screen for red text indicating missing info


You forgot to fill a ONE in next to one of the rates - you must select a rate by adding a 1 next to the rate you qualify for.


Some combination of the above.

Q: GAH! This credit card stuff is too difficult
A: You can always pay by check. Bring a check to the event made out the GVCSHRM. We don't have invoicing,or a check dropbox - you must either pay online or bring a check or cash to the event.

Q: Can i get a receipt?
A: Absolutely. After you've checked out you'll get an email confirmation that can be used as a receipt, or you can login and click on My Bookings above the calendar. There is an ACTION menu next to each booking and from that one of the actions is to create a PDF receipt which you can save or print.

Q: Can I add an event to my Outlook or Apple calendar?
A: Absolutely - after you've booked an event go to My Bookings and hover over the ACTION menu - one of the options is to download an iCal reminder to load into your calendar.

Q: Is there tech support?
A: Yep - just email us at events@gvcshrm.org and we'll take care of it for you.

Q: I already booked without paying - can I add a credit card and pay now?
A: Absolutely. If you are logged in your booking will show under My Bookings. You can just Book Now! for the event, and fill in the correct billing info - that booking will overwrite your registration - you won't be booked twice for the same event!

Q: My credit card is failing to authorize still!
A: Are you sure you are setting the STATE Field correctly in the address. Many people leave this at "Alabama" instead of updating it to New York.

Q: Can I cancel a booking?
A: Yes! If you login with the same credentials as you used when booking, go to the Calendar page and click MY BOOKINGS at the top. Select the event you registered to attend. Your booking should be listed. In the ACTION button on the right is a choice that says "View" (this is also where you can add the event to your calendar). Once the reservation is viewed there is an option to change it's status to "Cancelled". Doing so cancels your booking with us. If you've already paid you should contact ann.maynard@gmail.com to ensure you aren't billed or are reimbursed for the payment.

Q: I need a receipt.
A: You will be emailed a receipt, but we know that for some people they require additional paperwork. Here is how to receive a copy of your payment invoice:

If you login and go to the calendar, and select "View My Bookings", then select the event name, or enter the booking ID and press the SEARCH button - it should show your booking. One of the ACTIONS is to "download booking PDF" which is a full invoice receipt.

Q: I can't use a credit card and wish to pay by check
A: We are happy to accept your check at the event itself. Please make out checks to GVCSHRM in the amount required for your registration. We don't have an option to mail in checks - please bring them with you to the event.